pyinfra Documentation

Welcome to the pyinfra v1 documentation. If you’re new to pyinfra you should start with the getting started page.

Using pyinfra

Getting Started
A quickstart guide introducing the basics of pyinfra. Start here!
Writing Deploys
The definitive guide to writing reusable, committable deploys (think plays/workflows/playbooks).
Using the CLI
The pyinfra CLI is extremely powerful for ad hoc command execution and management.
Packaging Deploys
How to package, redistribute and share pyinfra deploys as Python packages.

Deploy Reference

Operations Index
A list of all available operations and their arguments, e.g. apt.packages.
Facts Index
A list of all facts pyinfra can gather from hosts, e.g. server.Hostname.
Example Deploys
A set of documented example deploys highlighting common patterns.
Connectors allow pyinfra to seamlessly integrate with other tools.

How pyinfra Works

Executing Deploys
Learn how pyinfra executes operations.
Building Connectors
Build connectors to integrate pyinfra with other systems.
Writing Operations
Learn how to write your own operations for pyinfra.
Writing Facts
Learn how to write your own facts for pyinfra.
Using the API
Discover the pyinfra Python API.
API Reference
Explore the pyinfra Python API.