Global Arguments

In addition to each operations having its own arguments, there are a number of keyword arguments available in all facts, operations and deploys.


With the exception of name these are prefixed with _ to avoid clashes with other operation and deploy arguments.

Privilege & user escalation

Execute/apply any changes with sudo.
Execute/apply any changes with sudo as a non-root user.
Execute sudo with a login shell.
Whether to use a password with sudo (will ask).
Preserve the shell environment when using sudo.
Execute/apply any changes with this user using su.
Execute su with a login shell.
Preserve the shell environment when using su.
Use this shell (instead of user login shell) when using su). Only available under Linux, for use when using su with a user that has nologin/similar as their login shell.
Execute/apply any changes with doas.
Execute/apply any changes with doas as a non-root user.

Shell control & features

The shell to use. Defaults to sh (Unix) or cmd (Windows).
Directory to switch to before executing the command.
Dictionary of environment variables to set.
List of exit codes to consider a success.
Timeout for each command executed during the operation.
Whether to get a pseudoTTY when executing any commands.
String or buffer to send to the stdin of any commands.

Operation meta & callbacks


Not available in facts.

Name of the operation.
Ignore errors when executing the operation.
Continue executing operation commands after error. Only applies when _ignore_errors is true.
Command to execute & check before the operation commands begin.
Command to execute & check after the operation commands complete.
Callback function to execute on success.
Callback function to execute on error.

Execution strategy


Not available in facts, value must be the same for all hosts.

Run this operation in batches of hosts.
Only execute this operation once, on the first host to see it.
Run this operation host by host, rather than in parallel.