Deploy Execution

pyinfra executes in two main phases: fact gathering and executing operations. This split is what enables pyinfra to execute dry runs (--dry) and output a “diff” of commands & files (--debug-operations) to update a servers state as defined.

Fact gathering:
During this phase information is collected from the remote servers and compared to the desired state defined by the user (ie a file of operations). This phase is read only and collects most of the information needed to execute the deploy.
Executing operations:
This phase takes the commands/files/etc generated during fact gathering and executes the commands, uploads the files to the remote system. At the end of the operations the remote state should reflect that defined by the users operations.

This two phase deploy process enables pyinfra to do some really interesting things, however there are some limitations to consider.

Detailed lifecycle of executing the pyinfra CLI

Setup & connect

  • Parse & validate CLI arguments, inventory file, group data files, commands
  • Create Inventory, Config and State objects
    • Populate the inventory with Host objects for each host
    • Load up any filesystem based config variables
  • Connect to each target host from the inventory using the relevant connector

Fact gathering / operation preparation

  • Loop through each deploy file:
    • Loop through each host and execute the file
    • As operation functions are called, needed facts are fetched from hosts
    • Commands output by operations are stored in the state

Operation execution

  • Generate order of operations
    • Uses line numbers in CLI mode (ie - works like the user would expect)
    • Uses add_op call order in API mode
  • Loop through each operation
    • For each host, execute the commands specific for this (op, host) pair
    • Collect results and trigger failure handling for any errors encountered
    • Store the results in the state


  • Disconnect from all the target hosts
  • Write out the results to the user


Interdependent operations

The major disadvantage to separating the deploy into two phases comes into effect where operations rely on each other - i.e. the changes of one operation will affect a later operations facts. Consider the following example:

from pyinfra.operations import apt, files

    name="Install nginx",
    name="Remove default nginx site",

This is problematic because the link, /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default, won’t exist during the first phase as it is created by the previous apt.packages operation. This means, on first run, the second operation will do nothing, leaving the link in place. Re-running the deploy would correct this, but we can also provide hints to pyinfra in such cases, i.e.:

from pyinfra.operations import apt, files

install_nginx = apt.packages(
    name="Install nginx",
    name="Remove default nginx site",

The addition of assume_present will force pyinfra to remove the file without checking if it exists first.

Dynamic operations

Sometimes it is impossible to know all the facts before executing operations. For example the unique identifier for the server that a package generates, which happens inside an operation. This requires reading this state (the identifier) from the server during the deploy.

See the Dynamic Execution during Deploy example.

Loops & Cycle Errors

In CLI mode pyinfra uses a single DAG to determine the order in which operations are executed. While this is very effective and executing in an order users would expect, certain loops result in cycles within the DAG which raise an error. This can be fixed using the host.loop function as follows:

for i in host.loop(range(0, 2)):"Do a thing", commands="ls")

Technical walk through

In the below section we’ll walk through an example of the problem described above by looking at operations that would generate a cycle and the resulting DAG, and then the fix. First up let’s consider this example:

for i in range(0, 2):
    if i > 0 or (i == 0 and == "@local"):"A", ...)"B", ...)

This results in the following DAG order for each host - note that pyinfra does not know the loop position, so when an operation is seen twice on the same line, it just appends a number, like so:

# @local: A -> B -> A-1 -> B-1
# Other:       B -> A   -> B-1

The problem is that combining these two means A needs B and B needs A, causing a loop and raising an error. We can use the host.loop function to prevent this occurring by providing the loop position to pyinfra:

for i in host.loop(range(0, 2)):
    if i > 0 or (i == 0 and == "@local"):"ls B", commands="ls")"ls C", commands="ls")

Now the loop position is provided as a hint to pyinfra, it can resolve the DAGs correctly:

# @local: 0A -> 0B -> 1A -> 1B
# Other:        0B -> 1A -> 1B

Deploy State

At the center of a pyinfra deployment is a state object. This object holds the inventory of hosts and data, operations to execute and status of the execution.

  • All hosts (or those matching the -limit) are connected to and flagged as both activated and active.
  • Deploy files and/or operations are loaded for every activated host, any additional hosts are connected to as required (to collect facts, for example).
  • Proposed operations, along with the number of commands for each hosts, are shown to the user for every activated host. At this point if the --dry flag is passed, pyinfra stops.
  • Operations begin to execute, when hosts fail they are flagged as no longer active, pyinfra checks active vs activated counts to determine if we break the FAIL_PERCENT, and bail the whole deploy if so.
  • Finally the resulting state is printing to the user for every activated host.