Global Arguments

In addition to each operations having its own arguments, there are a number of keyword arguments available in all facts, operations and deploys.


With the exception of name these are prefixed with _ to avoid clashes with other operation and deploy arguments.

Privilege & user escalation

Key Description Type Default
_sudo Execute/apply any changes with sudo. bool False
_sudo_user Execute/apply any changes with sudo as a non-root user. str  
_use_sudo_login Execute sudo with a login shell. bool False
_sudo_password Password to sudo with. If needed and not specified pyinfra will prompt for it. str  
_preserve_sudo_env Preserve the shell environment of the connecting user when using sudo. bool False
_su_user Execute/apply any changes with this user using su. str  
_use_su_login Execute su with a login shell. bool False
_preserve_su_env Preserve the shell environment of the connecting user when using su. bool False
_su_shell Use this shell (instead of user login shell) when using _su). Only available under Linux, for use when using su with a user that has nologin/similar as their login shell. str False
_doas Execute/apply any changes with doas. bool False
_doas_user Execute/apply any changes with doas as a non-root user. str  


# Execute a command with sudo
    name="Create pyinfra user using sudo",

# Execute a command with a specific sudo password
    name="Create pyinfra user using sudo",

Shell control & features

Key Description Type Default
_shell_executable The shell executable to use for executing commands. str sh
_chdir Directory to switch to before executing the command. str  
_env Dictionary of environment variables to set. Mapping[str, str] {}
_success_exit_codes List of exit codes to consider a success. Iterable[int] [0]
_timeout Timeout for each command executed during the operation. int  
_get_pty Whether to get a pseudoTTY when executing any commands. bool False
_stdin String or buffer to send to the stdin of any commands. Union[str, Iterable]  


# Execute from a specific directory
    name="Bootstrap nginx params",
    commands=["openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096"],

Operation meta & callbacks

Key Description Type Default
name Name of the operation. str  
_ignore_errors Ignore errors when executing the operation. bool False
_continue_on_error Continue executing operation commands after error. Only applies when _ignore_errors is true. bool False
_if Only run this operation if these functions return True Union[List, Callable, NoneType] []

Execution strategy

Key Description Type Default
_parallel Run this operation in batches of hosts. int 0
_run_once Only execute this operation once, on the first host to see it. bool False
_serial Run this operation host by host, rather than in parallel. bool False