
🎉 Thank you for taking the time to contribute to pyinfra! 🎉

Third party pull requests help expand pyinfra’s functionality and are essential to its continued growth. This guide should help get you started adding additional operations, facts and other functionality to pyinfra.


  • There is a branch per major version, ie 3.x, that tracks the latest release of that version
  • Changes should generally be based off the latest major branch, unless fixing an old version

Dev Setup

# Create a virtualenv with your tool of choice
# python -m venv / pyenv virtualenv / virtualenv

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Install the package in editable mode with development requirements
cd pyinfra
pip install -e '.[dev]'

Code Style & Type Checking

Code style is enforced via Black, isort and flake8. Types are checked with mypy currently, and pyright is recommended for local development though currently optional. There is a script to run the linting & type-checking:



GitHub will run all the test suites as part of any pull requests. There’s a handy script that runs the unit tests:


Unit Tests

Use pytest to run the unit tests, or pytest --cov to run with coverage. Pull requests are expected to be tested and not drop overall project coverage by >1%.

End to End Tests

The end to end tests are also executed via pytest but not selected by default, options/usage:

# Run local e2e tests (works on Linux / MacOS, no Windows yet)
pytest -m end_to_end_local

# Run Docker and SSH e2e tests (Linux / MacOS with Docker installed)
pytest -m end_to_end_ssh
pytest -m end_to_end_docker

Generate Documentation

To generate:

sphinx-build -a docs/ docs/build/

To view (localhost:8000):

python -m http.server -d docs/build/