Crontab Operations

Facts used in these operations: crontab.Crontab.


Add/remove/update crontab entries.

    command: str, present=True, user: str | None=None, cron_name: str | None=None, minute="*",
    hour="*", month="*", day_of_week="*", day_of_month="*", special_time: str | None=None,
    interpolate_variables=False, **kwargs,
  • command: the command for the cron
  • present: whether this cron command should exist
  • user: the user whose crontab to manage
  • cron_name: name the cronjob so future changes to the command will overwrite
  • modify_cron_name: modify the cron name
  • minute: which minutes to execute the cron
  • hour: which hours to execute the cron
  • month: which months to execute the cron
  • day_of_week: which day of the week to execute the cron
  • day_of_month: which day of the month to execute the cron
  • special_time: cron “nickname” time (@reboot, @daily, etc), overrides others
  • interpolate_variables: whether to interpolate variables in command
Cron commands:
Unless name is specified the command is used to identify crontab entries. This means commands must be unique within a given users crontab. If you require multiple identical commands, provide a different name argument for each.
Special times:
When provided, special_time will be used instead of any values passed in for minute/hour/month/day_of_week/day_of_month.


# simple example for a crontab
    name="Backup /etc weekly",
    command="/bin/tar cf /tmp/etc_bup.tar /etc",
This operation also inherits all global arguments.