Runit Operations

Manage runit services.

Facts used in these operations: files.File, runit.RunitManaged, runit.RunitStatus.

Start service automatically by managing the service/down file. str, auto: bool=True, sourcedir: str="/etc/sv", **kwargs)
  • service: name of the service to manage
  • auto: whether the service should start automatically
  • sourcedir: where to search for available services
This operation also inherits all global arguments.


Manage runit svdir links.

    service: str, managed: bool=True, svdir: str="/var/service", sourcedir: str="/etc/sv",
  • service: name of the service to manage
  • managed: whether the link should exist
  • svdir: alternative SVDIR
  • sourcedir: where to search for available services
This operation also inherits all global arguments.


Manage the state of runit services.

    service: str, running: bool=True, restarted: bool=False, reloaded: bool=False,
    command: Optional[str]=None, enabled: Optional[bool]=None, managed: bool=True,
    svdir: str="/var/service", sourcedir: str="/etc/sv", **kwargs,
  • service: name of the service to manage

  • running: whether the service should be running

  • restarted: whether the service should be restarted

  • reloaded: whether the service should be reloaded

  • command: custom command to pass like: sv <command> <service>

  • enabled: whether this service should be enabled/disabled on boot

  • managed: whether runit should manage this service

    For services to be controlled, they first need to be managed by runit by adding a symlink to the service in SVDIR. By setting managed=False the symlink will be removed. Other options won’t have any effect after that. Although the <service>/down file can still be controlled with the enabled option.

  • svdir: alternative SVDIR

    An alternative SVDIR can be specified. This can be used for user services.

  • sourcedir: where to search for available services

    An alternative directory for available services can be specified. Example: sourcedir=/etc/sv.local for services managed by the administrator.

This operation also inherits all global arguments.


Stateless operation

This operation will always execute commands and is not idempotent.

Wait for runsv for service to be available.

runit.wait_runsv(service: str, svdir: str="/var/service", timeout: int=10, **kwargs)
  • service: name of the service to manage
  • svdir: alternative SVDIR
  • timeout: time in seconds to wait
This operation also inherits all global arguments.