@ssh Connector

Connect to hosts over SSH. This is the default connector and all targets default to this meaning you do not need to specify it - ie the following two commands are identical:

pyinfra my-host.net ...
pyinfra @ssh/my-host.net ...


An inventory file (inventory.py) containing a single SSH target with SSH forward agent enabled:

hosts = [
    ("my-host.net", {"ssh_forward_agent": True}),

Multiple hosts sharing the same SSH username:

hosts = (
    ["my-host-1.net", "my-host-2.net"],
    {"ssh_user": "ssh-user"},

Multiple hosts with different SSH usernames:

hosts = [
    ("my-host-1.net", {"ssh_user": "ssh-user"}),
    ("my-host-2.net", {"ssh_user": "other-user"}),

Available Data

The following keys can be set as host or group data to control how this connector interacts with the target.

Key Description Type Default
ssh_hostname SSH hostname str  
ssh_port SSH port int  
ssh_user SSH user str  
ssh_password SSH password str  
ssh_key SSH key filename str  
ssh_key_password SSH key password str  
ssh_allow_agent Whether to use any active SSH agent bool True
ssh_look_for_keys Whether to look for private keys bool True
ssh_forward_agent Whether to enable SSH forward agent bool False
ssh_config_file SSH config filename str  
ssh_known_hosts_file SSH known_hosts filename str  
ssh_strict_host_key_checking SSH strict host key checking str accept-new
ssh_paramiko_connect_kwargs Override keyword arguments passed into Paramiko’s SSHClient.connect dict  
ssh_connect_retries Number of tries to connect via ssh int 0
ssh_connect_retry_min_delay Lower bound for random delay between retries float 0.1
ssh_connect_retry_max_delay Upper bound for random delay between retries float 0.5